A New Why @ Norrsken House
Norrsken House i Stockholm är Europas största hubb för socialt drivna tech-startups och entreprenörer. Fredagen den 10 mars höll KAi en workshop om meningsdriven storytelling och vikten av VARFÖR ihop med några av Norrsken-bolagen. Det blev en intensiv och givande session, med bra samtal och en hel del nya idéer för framtiden.
Stort tack till alla som var där!
A New Why – poignant storytellers unite
WHERE: Conference Room 2, Norrsken House
WHEN: Friday March 10, 12.30 – 15.30
WHY: Traditional advertising is dying. But how about its younger, less intrusive cousin, Content Marketing? Is ‘engaging content’ the solution? How can a social tech startup, or any great idea that solves a real problem, compete with the big players who’ve learned the formula? How do we initiate meaningful dialogue in an age when everyone wants to be heard, when algorithmically selected content and sponsored emotion blend with our feelings?
HOW: 10 available seats – first come, first served (max. 2 participants per company). During three intense hours, we zoom in on the “why” aspects of our communicative activities. How can purpose and motivation be used as fuel and engine in our storytelling? How do we communicate a social agenda in a sustainable and efficient manner? Why should anyone listen? Tools at hand are video, intellect, generosity, pencil and paper.
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